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Wisdom Scrolls
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Wisdom #56

Wisdom Scrolls contain texts in a philosophical manner, often about life or religion retrieved by Greenstone Games. Wisdom scrolls are found all over the world in Dig Deep. They are quite similar to real life fortune cookies which provide guidance in life or contain philosophical proverbs. There are 49 wisdom scrolls in total.

If you collect them all in a Dig Deep Game, you unlock the Sage Avatar Skin. They used to have no purpose apart from serving as a kind of easter egg or providing clues about previous adventurers.

Similar to blueprints, wisdom scrolls are not seen nor obtainable in Creative Mode.

Wisdom Scroll

Wisdom Scroll found by a player.

Unlike blueprints however, there is no "finder" like there is for blueprints, so search caves thoroughly if you want to find all of them.


In-game description: "A Scroll of Mythological Wisdom."


  • Wisdom Scrolls has no uses, apart from unlocking the Sage unlockable

How to Obtain[]

  • Wisdom Scrolls are only found in Dig Deep, scattered throughout the world.

Material and Tool Efficiency[]

Tool Efficiency
Material Resistance Pickaxe Efficiency Shovel Efficiency Hatchet Efficiency Weapon Efficiency
Paper 1 100% 100% 100% 100%
Required Tool This block CAN be broken with fists Must use a Wood Pickaxe or greater Must use a Wood Shovel or greater Must use a Wood Hatchet or greater Must use a Wood Sword or greater
  • Material = Paper
  • Resistance = 1
  • Item Fist32 This block CAN be broken with fists.
  • Pickaxe Efficiency 100% Item WoodPickaxe32 Must use a Wood Pickaxe or greater.
  • Shovel Efficiency 100% Item WoodShovel32 Must use a Wood Shovel or greater.
  • Hatchet Efficiency 100% Item WoodHatchet32 Must use a Wood Hatchet or greater.
  • Weapon Efficiency 100% Item WoodSword32 Must use a Wood Sword or greater.

Text of all the Wisdom Scrolls[]

  • "Indeed, the first and most essential service of a mythology is this one of opening the mind and heart to the utter wonder of all being."
  • "Myths are clues to the spiritual potentialities of the human life."
  • "The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are. Life is not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be lived. You are the mystery which you are seeking to know. Be what you is, cuz if you be what you ain't, then you ain't what you is."
  • "Myths are public dreams, dreams are private myths."
  • "Myth helps you to put your mind in touch with the experience of being alive."
  • "The call to adventure signifies that destiny has summoned the hero and transferred his spiritual center of gravity from within the pale of his society to a zone unknown. This fateful region of both treasure and danger may be variously represented: as a distant land, a forest, a kingdom underground, a secret island, lofty mountaintop or a profound dream state; but it is always a place of strangly fluid and polymorphous beings, unimaginable torments, superhuman deeds, and impossible delights."
  • "Refusal of the call to adventure represents an impotence to put off the infantile ego, with it's sphere of emotional relationships and ideals. One is bound in by the walls of childhood, the father and mother stand as threshold guardians, and the timorous soul, fearful of some punishment fails to make the passage through the door and come to birth in the world without. Do not refuse the call lightly for the challenge will manifest in the negative."
  • "It is by going down into the abyss that we recover the treasures of life. Where you stumble, there lies your treasure."
  • "The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek."
  • "The Promised Land is not a place to be conquered by armies and solidified by displacing other people. The Promised Land is a corner in the heart."
  • "They thought it would be a disgrace to go forth as a group. Each entered the forest at a point that he himself had chosen, where it was darkest and there was no path. If there is a path it is someone else's path and you are not on the adventure."
  • "The human kingdom, beneath the floor of the comparatively neat little dwelling that we call our consciousness, goes down into aladdin caves. There not only jewels but dangerous jinn abide."
  • "Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors where there were only walls. If your bliss is just fun and excitement and entertainment, you're on the wrong track. Know were your bliss is. And this involves coming down to a deep place in yourself."
  • "A ritual is the enactment of a myth. By participating in a ritual, you are participating in a myth."
  • "Every religion is true one way or another. It is true when understood metaphorically. But when it gets stuck in its own metaphors, interpreting them as facts, then you are in trouble."
  • "There is one mythology in the world. It has been inflected in various cultures in terms of their historical and social circumstances and needs and particular local ethic systems, but it is one human mythology."
  • "A whole mythology by which people live is an organization of symbolic narratives and images that are metaphorical of the possibilities of human experience and fulfillment in a given society at a given time. Mythology is metaphor. God, angels, purgatory, these are metaphors. These metaphors are for mysteries that absolutely transcend all categories of human thought and comprehension"
  • "As soon as a myth is read as fact, you lose the transparency and it becomes an aberration and a deluding guide."
  • "The goddess represents nature. The god represents society. And when you have a mythology that accents a god over a goddess you have a religion that accents society over nature. Then with the Fall, nature itself is cursed."
  • "Your sacred space is where you can find yourself again and again."
  • "Eternity is not the hereafter.. this is it. If you don't get it here, you won't get it anywhere."
  • "When you are in accord with nature, nature will yield up it's bounty... and every sacred place is a place where eternity shines through time. Yielding to the ways of nature is essential."
  • "The eyes are the scouts for the heart, and so the eyes go forth to find an image to recommend to the heart. And when an image is found, and if the heart is a gentle heart, that is to say, a heart that is capable of love and not simply of lust, then love is born."
  • "We have not even to risk the adventure alone, for the heroes of all time have gone before us. The labyrinth is thoroughly known. We have only to follow the thread of the hero path, and where we had thought to find an abomination, we shall find a god; where we had thought to slay another, we shall slay ourselves; where we had thought to travel outward, we shall come to the center of our own existence. And where we had thought to be alone, we shall be with all the world."
  • "The ultimate dragon is within you."
  • "Every failure to cope with a life situation must be laid, in the end to a restriction of consciousness."
  • "The metaphor of the demon is the thoughts that scare you, haunt you, guard you. Holding you out."
  • "The gate guardian is a symbol of your own fear and holding to your ego, which is what is keeping you out of the garden, where the Buddha sits under the tree of immortal life. The biblical guardians at the threshold of the Garden of Eden are the pair of opposites, and the flaming sword in between is the fear of going past that and losing your separatness, and so we're held out."
  • "We are all born as animals and live the life that animals live: we sleep, eat, reproduce, and fight. There is, however, another order of living, which the animals do not know, that of awe before the mystery of being, the 'mysterium tremendum et fascinans', that can be the root and branch of the spiritual sense of one's days. That is the birth - the Virgin Birth - in the heart of a properly human, spiritual life."
  • "People feel panicky at the thought that we might all have something in common, that they are giving up some exclusive hold on the truth. It is something like discovering that you are a Frenchman and a human being at the same time. That is exactly the challenge that the great religions face in the Space Age."
  • "On our planet itself all dividing horizons have been shattered. We can no longer hold our loves at home and project our aggressions elsewhere; for on this spaceship Earth there is no elsewhere anymore. And no mythology that continues to speak or to teach of 'elsewheres' and 'outsiders' meets the requirement of this hour."
  • "When we quit thinking primarily about ourselves and our own self-preservation, we undergo a truly heroic transformation of consciousness."
  • "How do you feel about people? Not how do you think about people. But what is the feeling system? A mythology comes from the feeling and experience not from thinking. The difference between and ideology and a mythology is the difference between the ego and the self. Ideology comes from the thinking system and mythology comes from being."
  • "Mythologies are in fact the public dreams that move and shape societies, and conversly one's own dreams are the little myths of the private gods, antigods and guardian powers that are moving and shaping oneself: revelations of the actual fears, desires, aims and values by which one's life is subliminally ordered."
  • "The young male is a compulsively violent piece of biology. This has to be integrated. People talk about looking for the meaining of life; what they're really looking for is a deep experience of life. And one of the experiences is a good fight. It heightens your experience of being alive, being in a good fight. And that's the advantage of the experience in physical sport. There's organized violence and it does everybody good."
  • "It is the function of art to carry us beyond speech to experience."
  • "The secret of art is love. Art brings out the grand lines of nature. This is what myth also does, as well as putting humans in accord with nature."
  • "When you finish it makes you want to desire something, or loathe it, either way. Has a center, a thread of silence going down the middle of it. So when you finish you're at the center of youself. And you don't move either way; You're in a state of Awe."
  • "The agony of breaking through personal limitations is the agony of spiritual growth."
  • "Find a place inside where there's joy, and the joy will burn out the pain."
  • "Goddess. If you continue to project your ideals onto someone, you will not see that person for themselves. Dissolve the projections and their realness comes out."
  • "Do what you want to do, and don't worry about the money. And what then is finally the best austerity, what is the best discipline? The best discipline is to enjoy your friends, enjoy your meals. Realise what play is. Participate in the play, in the play of life. This is known as mahasukha, the Great Delight."
  • "Life is without meaning. You bring the meaning to it. The meaning of life is whatever you ascribe it to be. Being alive is the meaning."
  • "The main awakening of the human spirit is in compassion and the main function of propaganda is to suppress compassion, to knock it out."
  • "The handling of the body in combat or in competition is a function, really, of a psychological posture. There has got to be a still place in there and the movement has to take place around it. You can lose the race if you put yourself out there to win the race instead of to run the race because the still place is lost and you are thrown off."
  • "We live by killing, which is what you do even when you are eating grapes. Life just lives on life. And its the one life in all these different heads and mouths eating itself. It's a fantastic mystery. Thats what's symbolized in the snake biting its own tail, the snake of life consuming itself. The essence of life is that it lives by killing and eating. And thats a great mystery myths have to deal with."
  • "The origin of mythological symbols is not pseudo-scientific, pseudo-historical. They spring from the psyche."
  • "Mythological images are transparent to transcendence. Every mythic image points past itself, every diety opens to mystery. You know: The Kingdom of the Father is spread upon the earth and men do not see it. Well you have to open up to that seeing."
  • "The World Navel is the symbol of the continuous creation, the mystery of the maintenance of the world through that continuous miracle of vivification which wells within all things."